When you visit Casecentive, you are allowing Casecentive to collect certain information about you. Some examples are the operating system you are using (OS X or Windows), the web browser (Firefox, Safari or Explorer) you are using and the last web page you visited.

With this information, the quality and accessibility of Casecentive’s web pages can be improved. Insofar as we use this data, it is processed anonymously. We only use this information for the optimization of our site and will never provide this information to third parties. The collection of this data also allows us to avoid asking you for the same information several times.

What types of cookies do we use

Functional or necessary cookies (e.g. shopping cart functionality), analytics cookies (we may improve our site by analyzing site usage) and marketing cookies (together with marketing cookies, we also track the advertisements you have seen to provide you with the best experience).

Cookie notification / cookie wall (cookies required)

At each visit, we post a notification to inform you about the use of cookies. The cookie notification is displayed once and expires after 1 year.

Google Tag Manager (cookies required)

We use Google Tag Manager to optimize our site.

Google Analytics (analytical cookies)

Casecentive wants the best possible experience for its customers. That’s why we are analyzing our site to improve it. We use Google Analytics, a website analysis service offered by Google Inc.

We use Google Analytics to track how visitors use our online store. We have signed a processing agreement with Google in order to enter into agreements on the processing of our data. In addition, we have not allowed Google to use the Google Analytics information obtained for other Google services, and we have also anonymized the IP addresses.

In addition, you can prevent the data collected and related to your use of the website from being sent to Google, saved and processed by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en.

This Google cookie will be deleted after a maximum of 2 years. This information is not shared with third parties other than Google. Find here the Google privacy policy.

Zendesk Chat / Zopim (cookies required)

To make chatting possible, we use Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim). Your questions are only dealt with internally and are not shared with third parties.

Looking for information about our privacy policy? Find our privacy statement here.